A Complete Guide to Midigeshi Fort Trek

How to reach from Bangalore?

There are two routes from Bangalore, you can simply use Google maps and reach the base camp (link mentioned above), we went through Doddaballapura as the one via Dobbaspete (near Tumkur) is always messy and crowded no matter what Google maps says when you are starting from Bangalore

On the way we stopped for breakfast in Doddaballapura - Google maps link

The food was pretty good, had a single idli and a cup of tea and we continued the drive.

We reached the base of the trek (Age-old very beautiful Venkataramana Swamy Temple) at around 10, it was already sunny. You have ample amount in front and around the temple are to park your vehicles.

We parked infront of Venkataramana Swamy temple

Base and start of the trek

You might see a route on the left of the temple (w.r.t temple and not you) and another one on the right of the temple, go with the right.

On the right side of the temple is the starting point of the trail

Temple view from the beginning of the route

First entrance

Soon after a short 2 min walk, you will see the whole temple, and very soon you will reach the first entrance.

First entrance

After the first door, and a bit of a hike, you will see nice slopy sections, you can choose to climb from your right, where it might be bit easier or choose to climb the slope straight and have more fun šŸ˜.

First slope

Second slope

Don't forget to take a look at the remains and the for wall itself

Some remains

Some more slopes and walk to the main climb

This slope is interesting as well, a bit of a long stretch but not too steepy and fun to run around. But definitely have to be careful, running around doesn't mean you can be careless, a simple fall will be fatal for sure.

The 75 degree stair climb

Varying 75deg steep climb via steps

Verifying the angle

The steep view after climbing those stairs

The steep view after those stairs with reference

Soon after traversing through the slope and some bushes, you are presented with the stairs. Just the sight of it undoubtedly triggers a rush of adrenaline. But it's quiet simple, don't panic or don't overthink. Trust your food, make sure there is enough gap between you and the person ahead and behind you, so that in case of any issue you are not dragged down because of someone else's mistake.

No matter what footwear you are wearing, make sure the step you keep is proper and stable. If you have fear of heights, then it's good to have a pacer behind you or, don't stop in between the climb and look behind etc. Keep climbing, slowly but continously, if you are in dire need of resting, rest up properly and try not to trigger your fear of height. Once you reach the fort entrance (below image), you can settledown and checkout the view below. You will enjoy it for sure.

The stair section is also tricky while getting down, it might be easier for some people to climb rather than getting down in situations like these. Because you will not be seeing the drop or anything at your back while climbing, you are more confident and not overthinking, but while climbing down, you are able to see everything in front of you, the drop, the scary visuals etc šŸ˜…. For some both are not an issue. It differs from person to person.

No matter what the people around you say or push you to do, you stay in your zone and move in a comfortable way, it's totally fine even if you sit down and get down one step at a time until you reach certain height. If you don't fear this much, have a better footwork, you might already be moving just like climbing down any other stairs. Regardless of what your state is, be very very careful, as you are putting you and people around you in danger by doing something unwanted. Take your time, climb down one step at a time or by butt sliding.

Another entrance and main door to the fort walls, just after the stair climb

Note: there is a small cave like entrance (most likely a gaurd stay), do enter once and have a look at it too. There is proper structure at the entrance, you can climb around, roam a bit, take nice photos and spend some time here too.

Literature by illiterates at the entrance (1 of many)

Literature by illiterates at the entrance (2 of many)

Don't forget to curse these people who have scribbled random stuff on the walls everywhrere, jk or maybe not

Explore around fort walls

View of the mosque

Literature by illiterates (3 of many)

Climb around some boulders and explore the area around mosque, there are lots of places behind the mosque, even when you think everything is done, there will be more, I have marked some of the less visible places in the screenshot above, at least whatever is visible in the Google maps, you will also see which looks like the main building (image below).

Around and before this main building are the small room like structures and a temple

Inside view of one of the rooms


Water well

A room behind the graneries

Unused pillars and remains of what looks like a work left in between

My friends collecting trash

Together we collected so much of trash

the trail definitely looked cleaner while getting back

Getting back to base

Wooden chariot in the village during the exit

While exiting the village from the same route that you entered from, don't forget to check this old chariot out šŸ‘‡

Wooden chariot in the Midigeshi village

Dangers and things to keep in mind

Dangers around

Losing the trail and roaming around



Treks and places around Midigeshi trek

Madhugiri betta

Sira fort

Ramdevara betta among many others

How do I get the GPX file for Midigeshi Betta Fort Trek?

How to use this GPX file?