My tech work and resume

I’ve worked on lots of projects over the years, here are some of the main ones. I also have a few other projects that I’m working on, which I’ll add soon.



Full-stack software engineer at Hashnode from 2018 - 2024 (5 years)

I joined Hashnode as one of the early engineers in October 2018, at the time the company had just raised its first seed round and the platform unlike now, was a Q&A platform.

We slowly pivoted towards a blogging platform and in around 2020, the whole platform was relaunched as a blogging platform with whole new branding and features.

Some of the important features that I have been a part of

Minimal component libraries in Mobile and Web apps
Old markdown and new Rich text editor
Sourcing content from GitHub, a GitHub integration
In-house analytics system using AWS Kinesis, Mongodb, and Redis
Google Analytics integration to extract reports using Google Analytics Reporting API
Frontend design and architecture with Mobx in old codebase
Project and content migration from Digital Ocean to Vercel
Managing authentication and authorization with JWT and OAuth
Page rules and redirects
Optimizing website for better performance and lighthouse score

Technologies used

TypeScriptNode.jsAWSCypressDockerExpoExpress.jsGithubGraphQLJavaScriptJestJWTLinearMarkdownMongoDBNext.jsPostmanPrismaRadix UIReactReact QueryRedisSQLiteStorybookSWRTailwind CSSTypeScriptVercelVSCodeZod
Checkout Hashnode here
GDG Hubli

Google Developer Groups Hubli

Developers community (2018 - current)

Google Developer Groups Hubli (GDG Hubli) is an open and free community for developers, designers, and entrepreneurs. It is a community where people can learn about new technologies, meet other developers, and collaborate on projects. We have reached to more thatn 2500 developers from in and around Hubli since it's inception. We ran a different community known as Devcult, we did the same things there, later we reached out to Google team to start a GDG chapter in Hubli. Since then we shut down Devcult and continued with GDG Hubli.

Reference links
GDG Hubli community and events page


Hyper-local delivery service in Hubli, Karnataka, India (2017-2018)

Fastpack started as a need for another product that me and my friends were building, called Citykatha. But since fastpack took off, we focused more on it and continued. We dealt with more than 2500 deliveries within about 10 months including McDonald's, Karnataka Cloth Palace - Hubli,Parviathan Gurukul School and many other companies, schools and individuals. Me and 4 other friends ran this gig, being developers, delivery and customer support folks. We had a great time running this gig, learnt a lot of things, but due to some personal reasons we had to shut it down.

Reference links
Fastpack Facebook page

☠️ Few failed products

Along the way I have also built and shipped few products that either didn't take off or I had to shut them down due to some reasons as I lost the focus.


Started off as a event ticketing platform for local events, turned into an e-commerce platform for local businesses. It was Dukaan back then what it is now. Started off with a great product, then the delivery business (Fastpack) took off and we had to let this go.


A bi-weekly newsletter that me and my friend started in October 2017. We shipped UI components and explained them in the email. Shut it down do to less focus.

Reference links
GitHub repo


A an affiliate cashback platform. We used to reimburse the amount of affiliate commission that we used to get from the affiliate networks to the users. Got to know later that many platforms are actually against this, so had to shut down.


Back then the Google maps was not that great at pointing to homes and floors. So, we built a tool that can point to the exact location of the house or floor. We used to get the location from the user and then we used to pin it on the map and send the link to the user.


Built software and electronics projects (2014 - 2017)

This is where I started my whole career in tech. Used to build and sell electronics and software projects to other engineering colleges. Apart from this I freelance on, for several local companies and individuals.